Wellbeing Coaching

What does wellbeing mean to you?

Is it just a buzzword, a bandwagon, or something wholly unique to you with wide ranging ramifications for your long term health and enjoyment of life?  I would argue the latter!

Would you like to feel like you are thriving rather than just surviving?

Do you want to feel like you are performing at your best more of the time?

Do you long for more balance? More contentment? A feeling of being in control of your life rather than it happening to you?  Would you like to feel stressed less often?

Then let’s look at your wellbeing together

Coaching can help you to:

Find small, easy, practical ways to put your wellbeing first

  • Establish some really good habits that benefit your health and wellbeing now and long into the future

  • Create an action plan that you will stick to and will transform your life and that of those around you

  • Move forward and feel less stuck

People know a lot about wellbeing these days, most people know what is good for them and what they ‘should’ be doing, but not everybody feels able to implement it or fit it into their lives. Or they wait until something really bad happens, or until it is too late and they are burnt out and stressed.

Let’s be intentional about wellbeing together!

Contact me

My experience as a Physiotherapist, mum, senior leader in the NHS and qualified coach enables me to coach others in a professional, holistic and transformative way.

Having coached other senior leaders in the NHS, I realised that most things come down to our wellbeing - most people want to do their jobs, or their every day activities - to the best of their ability, and still have something left in the tank at the end of the day.  And this can be hard when you have a challenging job, or a challenging, busy home life, or both!

In order to perform well, we need to feel well; we usually perform at our best when we feel our best.  This is wellbeing.

Over the last 6 years I have been on my own wellbeing discovery journey.  Having experienced stress, trauma and burnout, I realised that ongoing stress - low level or otherwise - was not what I wanted and would have long term consequences if I didn’t do something about it now.

I needed to be proactive - intentional - about my wellbeing.

I decided that I didn’t want to keep doing the same things and keep getting the same things - living for the next holiday, feeling that thriving in the every day was always just out of reach.

So I designed more wellbeing into my life.

And now I help others to do the same.

Wellbeing for me, is about ‘putting my own oxygen mask on first’; understanding that I can’t pour from an empty bucket. I prioritise my wellbeing because when I do, I am a better version of me for those around me.

My approach to coaching is unique because of my background in physical health - our physical health and our general wellbeing (including our mental health) are inextricably linked. We cannot separate them, and therefore we need to ensure both are working well for us!

Book a discovery call today to see how coaching could benefit you!